

袖珍犬,又称迷你犬,是小型犬的一种。 它们具有小狗的活力和忠诚的性格,以及大狗的保护欲望;它们的身体非常协调、肌肉发达,而且拥有高贵的外表。由于体型较小,一般适合空间较小的家庭或办公室饲养。 全世界共有140多种犬,其中小体型的犬约有53种左右. 世界上已正式承认的微型犬有27个品种,超小型犬则有23个品种;而袖珍犬则尚未得到公认。

一,迷你类 小型犬中最常见的是由英国猎狐犬和美国猎狐犬交配产生的梗类犬,如迷你雪纳瑞(Miniature Schnauzer)、美国梗(Beagle-Fox Terrier Mix,简称BFT)和苏格兰梗(Dandie Dinmont Terrier)等。

还有起源于德国的小型犬,如贝灵顿牛头梗(Breeders'Cup-Terrier, BCT)、西里汉普顿梗(West Highland White terrier, WHWT)和新西兰梗(NZT);源自法国的小型犬,如迷你牛头梗(Miniature Bullterrier)(也称玩具牛头梗)和马耳他梗(Maltese Terrier, Malteser)(也称为马耳他犬);来源于意大利的小型犬,如标准博美犬(Standard Pomeranian)和迷你贵宾犬(Miniate Poodle, Toy Poodle );此外还有一种由爱尔兰梗与日本梗杂交而产生的玩具梗:日本梗(Japanese Spaniel)。

二,超迷你类 有一些小型犬在出生时即被培育成超小型体形,以适应人们对其观赏的需要比如:吉娃娃狗(Chihuahua Dog, also called Chihuahueño or Xoloitzcuintle dog), 约克夏梗(YorkshireTerriers ,also know as the "Silky Terrier")和小鹿犬(Shih Tzu, or Chinese Toy Lion Dog),这些犬都属于超小体型,有些甚至可称得上微小型。 三,袖珍犬 在上述所列出的所有小型犬中,只有以下品种的某些品系或个体可以算作袖珍犬: 波士顿梗(Boston Terrier, also known as American Terrier), 西高地白梗(Westie or West Highland white Terrier in America ),斗牛犬(Boxer, a breed of sturdy working dog), 和巴仙吉犬(Basset Hound ,a breed that is famous for its hunting ability and low-scenting abilities. It has been said to be good at tracking down rabbits, but not so good at chasing them!! )。另外, 还有一些小型犬在繁殖过程中偶尔会出现超小型个体,例如:马尔济斯犬(Maltese Dogs),比格犬(Beagles , one of the most popular family dogs today, probably because they are cute and playful!), 柯利牧羊犬(Collins Heeler , a very agile and athletic canine bred by shepherds since ancient times) ,腊肠犬(Dachshund or Wienerdog, a dog with great hunting instincts), 和罗福才(Lhasa Apso, a small breed commonly kept as pets today, due in part to their beautiful appearance! They are loyal and affectionate, yet sometimes stubborn and independent! They love playing with toys and digging up earthworms from ground! Their coat color makes it easy to distinguish each individual Lhasa apso, just like human people’s facial features make us unique. However, please be aware that some breeds may have health issues related to obesity!).

四,小结 以上所述即是迄今为止已被公认的袖珍犬,但仍有部分学者认为:如果某犬种的所有成员均能保持在袖珍犬


我觉得像博美,不过我养的是迷你型 这种狗性格很倔,而且有点高傲。但是还是很可爱的。

它喜欢跟人玩跟别的动物玩,但是它不喜欢自己的玩具被别人抢去甚至破坏掉(特别是其他狗) 这货特别能叫,半夜三更你睡着了你都不知道他是不是想尿床了。。。



